Terms of Service

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Drone.vet Terms of Service

1. Terms of Service

This Terms of Service (TOS) document serves as a legal agreement between you (the user), whether as a client (also referred to as employer), pilot (also referred to as freelancer), advertiser or subscriber and Drone.vet, outlining the rules, responsibilities, and expectations for all parties involved in using our platform. By accessing or using Drone.vet, you agree to comply with and be bound by these terms, which are designed to ensure a reliable, respectful, and legally compliant environment for everyone. The TOS covers your rights and obligations regarding the use of Drone.vet, including but not limited to account registration, content standards, and the use of our services. Please read this document carefully to understand your responsibilities and protect your rights.

2. Acceptance of Terms

a) Acknowledgment and Acceptance by Users. 

By accessing, browsing, or using the Drone.vet platform and its services, you, as a user, acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Service (TOS). This agreement is effective from your first use of the platform. If you do not agree to these terms, you are not authorized to use or access Drone.vet and its services. Your continued use of the platform constitutes your ongoing agreement to these terms and any future modifications.

b) Modification Rights

Drone.vet reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify, replace, or change these Terms of Service at any time. It is your responsibility to check this TOS periodically for changes. Your continued use of the platform after any such changes are posted will constitute your acceptance of and agreement to the modified TOS. If we make significant changes, we will provide more prominent notice as appropriate under the circumstances, such as through email notification or a prominent notice on the platform.

3. User Accounts

a) Account Creation Process

To unlock the full capabilities of the Drone.vet platform, users must create an account. There are three main user types on Drone.vet: Clients seeking aerial services, Pilots offering those services, and Service Providers who offer additional services (such and video or audio editing). During registration, you will be asked to provide essential information, such as a valid email address and a password. Pilots will additionally be required to upload a copy of their government-issued ID, FAA Part 107 License, and proof of Insurance to ensure compliance and safety standards. It is imperative that all users provide accurate and up-to-date information to facilitate smooth operations and communication on the platform.

b) Account Responsibilities

All users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information and the integrity of their account activities. This includes safeguarding your password, keeping your account details accurate, and promptly updating your information should changes occur. You are responsible for all actions taken under your account and must report any unauthorized use or security breaches to Drone.vet immediately.

c) Account Security

At Drone.vet, we prioritize the security of your account and personal data through the implementation of industry-standard security measures. While we strive to protect your information, it’s important for users to play an active role in maintaining account security. This includes selecting a robust password, keeping it confidential, and ensuring that you log out of your account after each session, especially on shared or public devices. Remember, the security of your account not only protects your personal information but also maintains the trust and safety of the entire Drone.vet community.

4. Use of the Platform

a) Platform Usage Policy

Drone.vet is designed to facilitate direct connections between clients seeking aerial services and certified pilots equipped to provide those services. To maintain the integrity and security of our platform, any attempt to circumvent Drone.vet for off-website transactions or engagements is strictly prohibited. Users found engaging in or promoting such activities risk immediate account termination and banning from the platform. Our aim is to ensure fair practice, secure transactions, and trust within our community.

b) Legality and Compliance

Users of Drone.vet must adhere to all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to those set forth by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Pilots are required to comply with FAA standards and regulations at all times, ensuring that all flights and operations are conducted safely and legally. Drone.vet reserves the right to remove content, suspend accounts, or take other appropriate actions against users who violate legal standards or engage in unauthorized activities through the platform.

c) Content Standards and Intellectual Property

Content generated and shared on Drone.vet, whether by clients or pilots, must meet our content standards. Users are prohibited from posting content that is illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, infringing on intellectual property rights, or otherwise injurious to third parties or objectionable. It is crucial that users respect the intellectual property rights of others; content that you share must be your own or must be used with the rightful owner’s permission.

By using Drone.vet, you agree to these terms, ensuring that your contributions to the platform are responsible, respectful, and in full compliance with our standards and the broader legal framework governing drone operations. Our commitment to these principles supports a productive, safe, and legally compliant environment for all users.

5. Pilot Requirements

a) FAA Certification and Compliance

All pilots operating on the Drone.vet platform are required to hold a current FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate. This certification must be valid and verifiable at the time of account creation and throughout the duration of your use of the platform. Pilots are expected to conduct all operations in strict compliance with FAA regulations and standards, ensuring safe and legal flight practices. Failure to adhere to these standards may result in the suspension or termination of your Drone.vet account.

b) Insurance Requirements

Pilots must also maintain appropriate drone insurance coverage. Proof of insurance, detailing policy limits and expiration dates, must be provided during the account setup process and updated accordingly to ensure continuous coverage. This requirement is designed to protect both pilots and clients against potential liabilities, reinforcing our commitment to safety and responsibility in all operations conducted through Drone.vet.

c) Conduct and Safety Standards

We expect all pilots to uphold the highest standards of professionalism, safety, and respect while engaging with clients and conducting flights. This includes punctuality, clear communication, adherence to agreed-upon project specifications, and the respectful handling of any disputes or concerns that may arise. Pilots found in violation of these conduct standards, engaging in unsafe practices, or demonstrating unprofessional behavior may face account review, suspension, or termination. At Drone.vet, our goal is to foster a trusted community where pilots can thrive professionally, clients can rely on quality services, and all members can operate within a secure and respectful environment.

Beyond FAA regulations, pilots and clients must comply with all local, state, and national laws relevant to drone operations and commercial transactions. This includes privacy laws, airspace restrictions, and specific regulations governing the use of drones in different jurisdictions

6. Hiring & Project Management

a) Job Posting and Application Process

Clients looking to hire drone pilots can post job listings directly on the Drone.vet platform, detailing project requirements, desired deliverables, and timelines. Pilots with the appropriate credentials and experience can browse available listings and submit applications to projects that match their expertise. Clients are encouraged to review pilot portfolios and ratings to make informed hiring decisions.

Alternatively, users may also sign up to sell services (for which an FAA license is not required), such as video editing, audio editing, video annotation, or any supplementary work that does not include the solicitation of a pilot or client for drone flight.

b) Payment Terms and Conditions

Upon agreeing to undertake a project, both parties must adhere to the predefined payment terms outlined in the project contract. Drone.vet facilitates secure payment transactions through the platform to ensure financial transparency and protection. Payments to pilots are released upon satisfactory completion of the project and client approval of the final deliverables.

c) Dispute Resolution and Mediation

In the event of a disagreement or dispute between a pilot and a client, Drone.vet offers a mediation process to help resolve the issue amicably. Both parties are encouraged to communicate openly and provide evidence to support their positions. If necessary, Drone.vet’s support team may intervene to facilitate a fair resolution based on the platform’s policies and the specifics of the project contract.

d) Project Completion and Feedback

Upon project completion, clients are asked to review the pilot’s performance, providing feedback and ratings that reflect the quality of work and professionalism exhibited. This feedback is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the Drone.vet community, as it helps other clients make informed hiring decisions and encourages pilots to uphold high standards of service.

7. Termination & Suspension

a) Grounds for Account Termination/Suspension

Drone.vet reserves the right to terminate or suspend a user’s account for violations of our Terms of Service, including but not limited to, engaging in prohibited activities, failing to comply with FAA regulations, attempting to circumvent the platform for transactions, or participating in fraudulent or illegal behavior. Termination or suspension may also result from repeated negative feedback or failure to adhere to community standards and professional conduct.

b) Consequences of Termination/Suspension

Upon termination or suspension, the user will lose access to their Drone.vet account, including any content, profiles, and the ability to participate in projects. Outstanding financial transactions will be settled in accordance with the Terms of Service and applicable laws. Users whose accounts have been terminated are prohibited from creating new accounts or rejoining the platform under a different identity.

c) Review and Appeal Process

Users who believe their account was unjustly suspended or terminated may request a review of the decision by contacting Drone.vet’s support team. The appeal must include a detailed explanation and any relevant evidence to support the user’s case. Drone.vet will review the appeal in a timely manner and make a final decision based on the evidence provided and in alignment with our platform policies.

d) Reinstatement

In cases where an account suspension is lifted following a review, the user may be granted access to their account under specific conditions or probationary terms. Reinstatement is contingent upon the user’s agreement to comply with all platform policies and any additional requirements set forth by Drone.vet.

Drone.vet is committed to maintaining a fair, professional, and safe environment for all users. The termination and suspension policies are designed to protect the integrity of our community and ensure the highest standards of conduct and compliance.

8. Liability & Disclaimers

a) Limitation of Liability

Drone.vet provides a platform for connecting certified drone pilots with clients seeking aerial services. While we strive to ensure the quality and legality of services offered through our platform, Drone.vet shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of our services, the inability to use our services, or the falsification of documents, or transactions facilitated through Drone.vet. This includes, but is not limited to, damages for loss of profits, data, or other intangible losses, even if Drone.vet has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

b) No Warranties Disclaimer

Drone.vet and its services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. We do not warrant that the platform will always be available, secure, or free of errors, nor do we warrant the accuracy or reliability of any information obtained through the platform.

c) Indemnification

Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless Drone.vet, its affiliates, officers, agents, employees, and partners from any claim, demand, loss, liability, or expense, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising out of or related to your use of the platform, violation of these Terms of Service, or violation of any rights of another party. This indemnification obligation will survive the termination of your use of the platform and your adherence to these Terms of Service.

d) Content Responsibility

Users are solely responsible for the content they upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available via Drone.vet. While we reserve the right to review and remove content that violates these Terms of Service or community standards, Drone.vet does not assume responsibility for monitoring user-generated content or for the accuracy, completeness, or legality of such content.

These disclaimers and limitations are an integral part of the Drone.vet Terms of Service and are essential considerations for the platform to operate and provide services to users. Users should read and understand these provisions carefully, recognizing the limitations of liability and the disclaimers provided herein.

9. Privacy Policy

In alignment with our commitment to transparency and data protection outlined in the Drone.vet Privacy Policy, this section of the Terms of Service emphasizes our dedication to safeguarding the privacy and security of our users’ information.

a) Overview and Purpose

Our Privacy Policy is designed to inform you about the types of information we collect on the Drone.vet platform, how we use that information, and the measures we take to protect it. The policy applies to all users of Drone.vet, including pilots and clients, and covers information collected through our website, mobile applications, and other related services.

b) Data Collection and Use

Drone.vet collects information necessary to provide our services effectively and enhance user experience. This includes, but is not limited to, personal identification information, contact details, FAA certification details for pilots, and transactional data. We use this information to facilitate project postings, process transactions, communicate with users, and improve platform functionalities.

c) User Rights and Responsibilities

Users have rights regarding their personal information, including the right to access, correct, or delete their data stored on Drone.vet. Users are responsible for providing accurate information at the time of account creation and maintaining the confidentiality of their account details. It is important to review and understand the full Privacy Policy to ensure informed decisions about your data on Drone.vet.

d) Consent and Changes to the Privacy Policy

By using Drone.vet, you consent to the collection, use, and sharing of your information as described in our Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to make changes to the policy and will provide notice of significant updates. Users are encouraged to review the Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed about how we protect their information.

Our Privacy Policy complements these Terms of Service, reinforcing Drone.vet’s commitment to privacy, transparency, and user trust. Should you have any questions or concerns about your privacy or data security, please do not hesitate to contact us.

10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

a) Default Jurisdiction

All matters relating to the Drone.vet platform and these Terms of Service, including without limitation disputes related to the services provided or transactions conducted through Drone.vet, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state where Drone.vet’s headquarters are located, without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule.

b) Exclusive Jurisdiction for Dispute Resolution

Any legal suit, action, or proceeding arising out of, or related to, these Terms of Service or the Drone.vet platform shall be instituted exclusively in the federal courts or state courts located in the state where Drone.vet’s headquarters are situated. By using the platform, you waive any and all objections to the exercise of jurisdiction over you by such courts and to venue in such courts.

c) Flexible Jurisdiction Clause

Notwithstanding the above stipulations regarding governing law and exclusive jurisdiction, Drone.vet recognizes that certain cases may warrant consideration of an alternative jurisdiction for the resolution of disputes, to ensure fairness and practicality for both parties involved. Therefore, Drone.vet reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to assess and agree to a change of jurisdiction on a case-by-case basis upon written request from both parties involved in the dispute. Any agreement to alter the jurisdiction will consider the location where the service was provided, the convenience to both parties, and the applicable legal framework, aiming to facilitate a resolution that is in the best interest of both the user and Drone.vet.

This approach seeks to balance the need for a clear, predictable legal framework with the flexibility to address unique circumstances that may arise during the course of business, ensuring that disputes can be resolved in a manner that is both just and convenient for all parties involved.

11. Changes to the Terms of Service

a) Notification of Changes

Drone.vet reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms of Service at any time. When we make changes that we consider substantial, we will notify you through the platform interface, via email, or by presenting you with a new Terms of Service agreement to accept, if necessary, depending on the nature of the changes.

b) Reviewing Changes

It is your responsibility to check these Terms of Service periodically for changes. Your continued use of the platform following the posting of any changes to the Terms of Service constitutes acceptance of those changes. We encourage you to review the Terms of Service regularly to ensure that you are aware of any modifications.

c) Effective Date of Changes

Changes to the Terms of Service will become effective immediately upon being posted on the Drone.vet platform unless otherwise noted. In some cases, we may specify a future date for the changes to become effective. If you do not agree to the modified terms, you should discontinue your use of the Drone.vet platform.

d) Feedback and Inquiries

Your feedback is important to us. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments regarding the changes to the Terms of Service, please do not hesitate to contact our support team. We are committed to ensuring that our policies are fair and transparent and will make every effort to address your concerns.

By regularly updating our Terms of Service, we aim to adapt to evolving legal requirements, technological advancements, and the changing needs of our users, ensuring that Drone.vet continues to offer a safe, reliable, and valuable service to our community.

12. Contact Information

For any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding these Terms of Service, or if you require assistance with any aspect of our platform, we are here to help. Please reach out to us through one of the following channels, and a member of our dedicated support team will be happy to assist you.

Email Support: For direct inquiries or support issues, email us at [email protected]. We aim to respond to all email communications within 24-48 hours.

Phone Support: If you prefer to speak with a support representative, you can call us at +1 929-299-2410. Our phone lines are open from 9 AM to 5 PM (ET), Monday through Friday.

Mailing Address: For correspondence that requires a physical address, you can write to us at:

Drone.vet LLC
223 2nd Ave, Suite #2F
New York City, NY 10003

We value your input and are committed to ensuring your experience with Drone.vet is both positive and productive. Whether you’re encountering an issue, have suggestions for how we can improve, or simply wish to share your experience, don’t hesitate to contact us. Together, we’re building a vibrant community of drone enthusiasts and professionals, and your feedback is integral to our continued growth and success.

13. Acknowledgment

By creating an account and utilizing the services provided by Drone.vet, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Service, including any future modifications. This acknowledgment forms the basis of the agreement between you and Drone.vet, ensuring that all parties have a clear understanding of the expectations and responsibilities associated with using the platform.

Your commitment to these terms is essential for maintaining a safe, respectful, and legally compliant environment for all users. It supports the integrity of the Drone.vet community and allows us to continue offering a platform where pilots can showcase their skills and clients can find the aerial services they need. We appreciate your choice to be part of Drone.vet and your adherence to these terms. Together, we’re enabling breathtaking perspectives, innovative solutions, and meaningful connections within the drone industry. Thank you for contributing to our community’s growth and success.