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Real Estate Photography using Camera & Drone (Columbus, Ohio)


Interior/Exterior by Camera:

Home/Property Square Footage:

Less than 1,500 SF: $125 = 25 photos

1,500 – 2,999 SF: $150 = 35 photos

3,000 – 3,749 SF: $175 = 45 photos

3,750 – 4,499 SF: $200 = 55 photos

4,500 – 4,999 SF: $225 = 65 photos

Exterior by Drone:

+10 High resolution photos = $150

  • A ‘Trip Charge’ may apply (Add $25 * each 30 miles round-trip).
  • Copyright – All media is owned by the client however DroneAbility LLC has the right to use for advertising purposes if desired.
 Columbus, OH, USA
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