249 Mi
Distance in ( Miles ) 249

Integrity Inspection

  • Job categoryAerial Inspections
  • Job Duration+1 Business Day
  • //drone.vet/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/USA@2x.png Houston, Texas

Job detail

NOTE: One day is required for the online training.
Attached is an image of the facility.  Each structure (5 total) has 160,000 square feet to inspect (around and top).  They are 120 ft Height x 270 ft diameter.

1. Drone Pilot License must be current
2. Use Preflight Checklist, here an example

  • a. https://dronedj.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/08/DroneDJ-Preflight-Drone-Checklist-1.pdf

3. Submit a flight plan via Drone.vet
4. Camera on the drone must meet minimum requirements to achieve 2.54 mm per pixel while flying no closer than 10 meters
5. Capture Method, these 2 methods to be followed on each mission

5.a: Mapping mission

  • i. 5.08 millimeter per pixel (twice the distance from Inspection Mission)
  • ii. 30-degree angle down from horizontal
  • iii. 80% Overlap
  • iv. Overlap relays on diameter of structure
  • v. Multiple vertical fights are required for the gathering of data and should move in one direction

5.b: Inspection Mission

  • i. Fly no closer than 10 meters
  • ii. 2.54 millimeter per pixel
  • iii. Angle complete horizontal (0 degrees)
  • iv. Overlap to 20% to 30%

6. For Pictures taken needs to be checked for:

  • a. Adequate lighting
  • b. Minimum blurriness
  • c. Minimum ISO
  • d. Optimal shutter speed
  • e. Needs to be in Optimal focus

7. Photo quantity & quality

a. This will be based on the structure area, looking on the above specifications we have calculated the following as example

  • i. For a 45,000 m2 (Cooling tower 160 meters tall)

1. Total pictures (Inspection & Mapping)

(a). Min 1080
(b). Max 2160

  • ii. Resolution of 21 MP

8. To enter most of the facilities

  • a. Hard hat
  • b. Safety glasses
  • c. Clean shaven
  • d. Steel toe shoes
  • e. Fireproof clothing
  • f. Drug/alcohol test
  • g. Background check
  • h. Backup alarm (vehicle to enter the facility)


 Houston, TX, USA
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Pilot type required for this job